Jumaat, 28 Mei 2010

Tapak Kuda nyum~

hii blogger
today aku atu googling arh sum of bruneian blogger den i saw this pic

at this blog: luckyhoof.blogspot.com
gila atu bgi tsliur trus mliat picnya so akupn browse2 ler ia pnya blog she's selling tapak kuda n others as well n most of her dish is mainly chocolate its my favourite!!!slurp

and yg interestingnya she dun juz sell normal tapak kuda ada lgi yg lain version tapak kuda i took some her pic (sory Lucky Hoof nda mnta permission tpi aku tlong promokan hehe)
so here it is..nyaman nda mnyasal mliat...

sooo wat do guys think meleleh airliur kn mliat..hahaha
yeah i was thinking i will order in the future tpikn actuly nya aku sndri ndang pndai dah buat tpak kuda tpi yg normal je nda smpai ktahap ane but sure she rely given me an idea yg tpak kuda nda smestinya nutella sja we can add different ingrediants as well..thanks luckyhoof

soo to u guys if u r tapak kuda fanz n craving for it so juz lookthru her blog n order k
(sudah tah eh bbunyi parut ku dh mliat gmbar2 nya ane)

chow peeps

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